When I got the personal email from the head of Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival Minah Oh, telling me that our film was an official selection I was ecstatic, they also offered flights and accommodations for Ismail and Saifullah, unfortunately Saifullah couldn't come but Ismail did. When Brooke and I met Ismail at Martha’s Vineyard for this film festival, it really was an amazing moment and it felt as though our film was really getting some steam.
I had no idea what to expect but we were able to sell out our first screening and when the film ended we were met with a standing ovation. We ended the time with an amazing question and answer with a local Journalistic Legend who also spent some time in the Middle East Charles Sennott and spent the rest of our time on the island being shown the beautiful areas that have now become world renown. The Martha’s Vineyard community were very warm and welcoming to our film, to Ismail and to myself as a filmmaker.
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